Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Unique cultural treasures and an exciting history are to be found in the city of knowledge and inspiration. Uppsala has retained its small-town charm while offering a big city’s selection of shops, restaurants and other entertainment.
Uppsala has many historical attractions. Among the most famous are
- Uppsala Cathedral is the largest in Scandinavia, learn more at the website of Church of Sweden
- Uppsala Botanical Garden is one of Sweden’s eldest botanical gardens. Learn more at Uppsala University web site
- Uppsala University’s Museum Gustavianum presentation with the anatomical theathre
- Uppsala University web presents the Linnaeus Garden, Carl Linnaeus’ town home and garden
- Destination Uppsala web presents Uppsala Castle
However, Uppsala is not only known for its traditions. Today Uppsala is a dynamic industrial and commercial city where knowledge, ideas and entrepreneurship are at the center. The city’s geographical location with only 30 minutes to Stockholm-Arlanda international airport and 40 minutes to Stockholm has made Uppsala an attractive place for meetings.
Other useful links
- Visit Destination Uppsala, the official tourist guide to the city and the region
- Stockholm-Arlanda international airport official website
- Uppsala University website
- SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences website
Phone: +46 18 671533 or +46 18 671003
Email: LRUA24@akademikonferens.se
Important dates
Abstract deadline: August 21
Early bird deadline: September 19
Abstract notification: September 4
Organized by
National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI)
Clinical Genomics Uppsala (CGU)
The Long-Read Transcriptomics European Consortium (LongTREC)